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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week 4

Here's my new blog: Unfortunately I can't search to follow people right now (the function is broken - Twoverload or something) but I did subscribe to one of the following suggestions - a London author who insults his audience....hmm. TweetDeck sounds a good idea if you tweet a lot, so if the Library received mini posts, it could be an efficient way of sorting them. Ooh, and I also put a link to my tweets on this page :-)

I absolutely loved RSS feeds and Google reader - I can't believe I haven't used this up until now. I'm constantly feeling stressed about all the sites I need to keep up with, and this is really handy for keeping the finger on the pulse with the latest professional info - genius.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 3 cont...

I also made my own trading card, but I think I need a few more library qualifications to make it fly! It was a fun exercise; many of the fun applications I've looked at could be great for language teaching activities. For the library though, maybe the trading cards could be used to advertise reading recommendations, with the book cover in the photo and snippets in the text field...or using the mosaic making applications for displays...I don't know....

As for the photo editors, I didn't really make friends with these. I've seen some good ones in the past and will keep looking. Picknik wasn't working at the time, so I tried Splashup but didn't see the point of the features. Maybe I had the wrong photo. Oh well.

For the image generators, I went to as I find this site the easiest to use, and I made a b&w charcoal version of my library reading room photo. Call me simple, but I like effects like these the best :-)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 3

Looked on Flickr for some beautiful library buildings and found this photo of the National Library of Chile - stunning. Also used the 'Colour Palette Generator': to make me some colours from this photo and the results were lots of lovely beiges, roses and purples. Could be great for preparing promotional material, or designing a colour scheme for a library display. I couldn't display the results here though as you need Photoshop to read the file.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Just reading my last post....amazing how quickly blogging can become a brain dump :-)
Like having a diary with an audience! Glad I realised at week 2 :-D

Week 2

So for week 2 I am very obediently going through the list.....
First stop Bebo...seems pretty vibrant and really youthful...but I didn't find it very intuitive to use i.e. if you upload a video to your profile, I could not find how to remove it afterwards when you have had enough of it :-{...but I did come across this video of ACL at Matariki starring Daniel: so seems a great way to showcase work at the libraries! :-) So on the upside I was actually pretty impressed by how easy it was to search for a video you wanted (thanks to all those people frantically sharing stuff they like) - I was exploring Buraka Som Sistema...

I'm already on Facebook and haven't used it in a while - you can maybe get to know too much about people. But I'll now used it to search for things I'm interested in - I hadn't thought of doing this before; normally I'd just use YouTube or search the net, so this was a learning point! And it seems a huge number of staff here already have profiles on Facebook, so this could be a good venue for an informal professional support network I guess (unless there already is one and my useless skills can't find it!!) Page seems to be temperamental at the mo, so will give this one a whirl later!

My Space is my favourite so far! I love the forums page - that seems a really practical way of organising the space (rather than just people linking to each other's social profiles) and timesaving if you need to find people or info fast, like at work! I found this really easy to use, and came across a Zumba page from Poland: and might be able to help this forum frequenter who needs a recipe for chocolate cake without the flour:

Linked In does definitely have a different feel I think, and there are already lots of Library professional groups on there so I think this would be a great tool to use as a librarian to keep in touch with all the different networks that are relevant to your post. Also loved the feature that some of these sites seem to have where you can pull all your updates from a different site like Twitter into your profile on another - very convenient!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How do you get your picture icon to appear when you blog?

Week 1

That took ages just to customise. There seem to be far more functions than I would ever have time to use socially, but this exercise has been good to see how quickly I could create a web presence for a business. It would be good when I am in a position to network at the Libraries. I think blogging at the moment seems to be more for a hobby (for people with LOTS of spare time, or like my brother, those who are permanently connected to the net); professional networks may be more useful for information relating to my job.....but as we go on I could change my opinion!! Will see how it goes!